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Taking the path least travelled

Meditations and thoughts with Matu Apiata

Spiritual Acceleration; Purification; Truth
As the year comes to a close I thought it may be useful to reflect on a year that included a Solar Maximum, up to 7 planets in Retrograde, Ego storms, Purifications and Purging.

These are terms that helped me understand the chaotic nature of energy swirling around me this year and as I write this I appreciate the acceleration I have experienced in my Spiritual Practice.

The year promised to be full-on and it has indeed been a ride. We have been pushed and prodded to release the hidden fears and secret sins lurching deep within our souls, and the releasing or purging threatened to knock me off my perch.

I can reveal now (because I have worked through my ego storm) that I stopped working in October because I was experiencing massive panic attacks and anxiety issues.

At the time I thought I was ending groups and teaching because projects that I had in the pipeline would take up too much time and required my full attention … little did I know the project was me.

What started as a sense of imposter syndrome around August grew to moments of panic while working in groups or with clients. As a coach I recognised what was happening and did the usual steps to alleviate my anxieties and nothing seemed to work.

With the encouragement of my guides I stepped fully into the shadows. I allowed the fears to overwhelm me and watched as the past echoed in my mind.

I read and listened to the teachings from A Course in Miracles and attended an Expanded States of Consciousness Summit. Listening to thought leaders share their experiences and how they healed from trauma and attachments helped me and affirmed that I did the right thing.

In the quiet I heard the hurt and the fear but slowly I recognized the absence of Love. Just as suddenly, in that absence I recognise the door to everything.

I meet new guides - Tobius who works with my purpose and high heart; Sachiel - a Seraphim Angel who connects us to and helps to transcend wealth, success, prosperity, and the material world; Alsbeth - my newest guide who works with my solar plexus and expressions of will.

There is a need for Spiritual Evolution and a perception change. The world is focusing on Fear, Sin and Guilt and we are being asked to rise above and see only Truth.

A Course in Miracles lesson that really helped me during this time is …

 I see all things as I would have them be. (ACIM W-312)

This was especially true on November 5th during the US elections but I realised when I see the world through human eyes I only see what I imagine the world to be. Our senses, like our eyes and ears do not actually see or hear anything, they provide feedback to our minds that then interprets the information.

If we perceive the world as dangerous, sinful, or angry then this is what we "see". If we hold love in our minds then this is all we see in the world.

This is the lesson of 2024.

Breath, Be Still, and Know … your truth is all you need.

When you reflect on your year what did you find? 

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Seaford, Melbourne,
Victoria 3198, Australia.

Mail: hello@matuapiata.com

+61 409259934